Historical Weather (U.S. locations only)
See how weather has changed over the decades. Historical Weather provides records and trends for anywhere in the US for the past 60+ years. Many areas have weather records dating back 130 years. Charts clearly show this historical data. In addition, you get live weather information, forecast and alerts.
- Live weather, forecast, historical and climate data.
- 19 historical weather facts
- Month by month climate data
- 2 charts showing climate by month
- 2 charts showing yearly average temperature and precipitation
How historical weather data is gathered
The closest station to the selected location (your present location or map location) is used. The selected weather station’s data is pulled from NOAA. The program does no manipulation or correction of data other than averaging and converting from Metric to Imperial. Every reasonable attempt is made to use only weather stations that have been in use before 1966
Present weather conditions and forecast supplied by Apple Weather - https://weatherkit.apple.com/legal-attribution.html
Historical and climate data extracted from NOAA
Home Page Features
Selected Location
Current Weather Alerts (if any for the location shown)
Current Weather Data
- Present temperature
- Expected low and high temperatures
- Condition
- More data (with a tap)
- Day/date
- Wind speed
- Humidity
- Day’s peak UV
- Sun rise/set
- Dawn/Dusk (Civil Dawn/Dusk, sun 6 degrees below horizon)
- Moon phase
- Moon rise/set
Historical Weather Data
- Day’s
- average low temperature
- average high temperature
- record low temperature with year
- record high temperature with year
- Button to access more historical weather and climate data
72 Hour Forecast
- Day
- Hour
- Temperature
- Condition
- Precipitation probability
- Wind speed
10 Day Forecast
- Day
- Low/High Temperatures
- Condition
- Precipitation probability
- Precipitation amount
- Wind speed
- More data (Tap day)
- Day
- Low/High Temperature
- Condition
- Expected rain/snow amounts (if in forecast)
- Wind speed / Wind Gust
- Sunrise/Sunset
- Dawn/ Dusk (Civil Dawn/Dusk, sun 6 degrees below horizon)
- Moonrise/Moonset
Tool Bar
Change Location - Type or select a new location from the map
Stored Cities - List stored locations. Select from this list for quick access.
Save Location - Add current location to your list of favorites
Units - Change between Imperial (Fahrenheit/mph/inches) and Metric (Celsius/kph/mm)
Home - Tap to access current location information
Historical Weather Page Features
Location of weather station from which the data was taken
Average Data
average high temperature
record high temperature with year
average low temperature
record low temperature with year
- Present month’s average precipitation
- Annual average precipitation
- Year’s precipitation to date along with average precipitation to date
Monthly Data
- normal (avg.) low and high temperature
- warmest low and high temperature with year
- coolest low and high temperature with year
- wettest recorded precipitation with year
- driest recorded precipitation with year
Yearly Data
- Warmest year temperature
- Coolest year temperature
- Wettest recorded precipitation
- Driest recorded precipitation
Interesting Facts
- Hottest recorded temperature
- Coldest recorded temperature
- Wettest recorded day
Monthly Average Charts
- high and low for each month
- precipitation for each month
Yearly Trend Charts (with 5 year running averages)
- Each year’s average high and low temperatures
- Each year’s total precipitation for each year
Free service
- all the weather data for your present location only
Auto-renew subscription ($1.99/month or $9.99/year)
- search/save weather data for any location in the U.S.
privacy policy - https://utilis-technology.com/privacy-policy-for-historical-weather/
Terms of Use- https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/